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Get on your balance board!

With a balance board you'll quickly get fit and have a lot of fun - that's our promise. Are you up for it? Then we'll show you everything you need to know about the balance board. You will learn how to train on the balance board, which exercises are suitable for you, what you have to consider before buying... and much more. Let yourself be infected by our enthusiasm for balance board training and get to know your body in a whole new way. Get fit for snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding with the Balance Board. Or train your usual workout on the balance board - the variety will surely do you good. So let's go and get on your balance board!

Balance board exercises

The great thing about a balance board is that you can work out wherever you want, whenever you want. You can do your balance board exercises in the rain in the living room or in the sunshine in the garden. With your Balance Board you are completely independent of the weather and a regular training is guaranteed. The Balance Board effect will therefore also unfold particularly quickly... and motivate you immediately. So that you always have the right exercises at hand when you feel like balance boarding, you can find a balance board trick guide here. In addition, you can always check out what our active community is coming up with on the balance board on Facebook and Instagram. And if that's still not enough, then you're sure to find a balance board exercise PDF that you can use for your training after a short internet search.

Start with our trick guide... and your Balance Board

Let's start with a look at our balance board trick guide and take the "squat" as our first exercise. To do this, stand on the balance board with your feet pointing forward, find your balance and then squat down in a controlled manner (i.e. slowly). This may sound easy, but the first few times you will certainly have to make an effort. But especially with this exercise, success is not long in coming, we can reassure you. Once you have mastered this challenge on the balance board, it's best to continue directly with the "Ninety". Here, too, you stand with your legs wide apart on your balance board, but facing sideways. Then turn your balance board on the roller by 90 degrees. Take momentum for this, but don't overdo it or you'll get off balance very quickly. Move your body in a controlled way, check exactly which muscles you need for the exercise, and then work in small, safe steps. It's fun, isn't it? And the good news is: now the fun on the balance board is just beginning! There are countless cool exercises, tricks, jumps and flips on the balance board waiting for you in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Balance board meets workout

At least as challenging as the tricks on the balance board is moving parts of your workout routine to the board, for example "planking". To make the forearm plank work on the balance board, follow these steps: While lying on your stomach, rest your elbows and forearms on the balance board, then place your feet on the board and gradually push yourself up with your arms. Keep your back straight and perform the movement slowly and in a controlled manner. Repeat the exercise on your balance board at least five times. And then feel inside yourself. Which muscles do you notice now? Probably a few - so let's continue with our personal favorite exercise on the balance board, which mainly challenges your abdominals. We affectionately call it the "Abs Burner". To do this, sit on your balance board and then extend your legs and arms parallel to each other diagonally upward. Enjoy holding this position - without wiggling, of course - for at least 15 seconds. Of course, you can also hold it longer, then your washboard abs will appear all the faster.

Try the first jump on your balance board

So, after all that effort, let's get back to the fun stuff. The first jump and flip on the balance board is on the agenda for you - are you in? Since you have already trained your balance on the balance board very well, you can now try a trick that we recommend for advanced users: the "Jump in Flip". Here you stand wide-legged on the floor and your balance board lies upside down on your feet. The goal is for you to jump onto the roller together with your balance board in one fluid motion. So, full concentration, plan the movement in your head, take a good breath and just try it. Sure, it won't work the first time - it was the same for us. But keep at it, it's worth it. Because the joy that flows through your veins as soon as it works is simply indescribable! Maybe you'll share it with us and shoot a little video of your success on the balance board. Our community on Facebook and Instagram is looking forward to you and with you.

Now it gets tricky on the balance board

Let's continue with some professional balance board exercises: Ankle, watch out! With the "Bunny Hop" or the "Hippy Jump" you don't jump meters into the air, but both tricks are nevertheless very tricky. With the latter, you stand wide-legged and turned sideways on your balance board. You hop up briefly and then balance yourself on the balance board again as fast as lightning. The bunny hop is the next step. Now you not only hop upwards, but also change position and land on the balance board facing forwards. This requires a few muscles and your brain to work well together. However, we are sure that you will soon master this trick on the balance board... and then, of course, immediately look for the next challenge. So here's a little tip from us: When you've done your tricks on the balance board, send us a video of them and we'll celebrate your success together! Maybe you even come up with a completely new, creative trick while training on your balance board. Then let's hear it. The ever-growing wahu community on Facebook or Instagram is always hot for new balance board inspiration.

Your balance board checklist before you buy

You don't own a balance board yet? Then you probably want to buy a balance board now at the latest and wonder what all you should consider when choosing a balance board. We - the wahu balance board professionals - are happy to tell you. By the way, we speak from many years of experience on all boards, from snowboards to surfboards. And we have also tested balance boards more than enough, in the most diverse materials and forms. Piece by piece, we have worked our way towards an idea of the perfect balance board - and then implemented it in our wahu balance board. Two factors are particularly important to us for the wahu balance board: shape and material. Only if these two are right, the board fun is really unclouded, for beginners as well as for professionals.

No compromises in the material for your balance board

After years of testing and comparing, it is crystal clear to us that there is only one material for the perfect balance board: wood. Sure, there are cheap models made of plastic, but with these you will quickly reach your limits. A normal workout may still work quite well. But at the latest with jumps and flips it's over. It's a shame, because that's when the fun really starts for us! So put the few extra euros on top and buy a proper balance board made of wood. Our wahu balance boards, for example, consist of 12 layers of wood plus a surface made of real wood veneer - of course Made in Germany. Because best quality and exact workmanship are extremely important to us. If they are right, you will have fun with your balance board for a long time. In addition, we kill two birds with the same stone by producing in Germany. The supply chains and transport routes are very short, which benefits both the environment and you. Because you hold your balance board particularly quickly in your hands.

This shape brings the most fun

Directly after the material comes the shape. We don't just keep it the way it is because it looks cool. No. We designed the shape of our wahu balance board this way for a good reason. The dynamic rockashape is responsible for the fact that you can experience maximum stability and at the same time maximum trick freedom during your training. Since the board measures 80x30 centimeters, you don't have to move much material, i.e. you don't have to use much force and you don't have to take up much space. The bend or curvature contributes to this ease. The Balance Board is narrow at both ends and curved inward on both long sides. At the same time, the standing surface is large enough for stable standing and good balance. In our experience, this is what the perfect balance board looks like. Try it out and give us your feedback - we are curious!

Your balance board - your style

Last but not least we come to a very special extra, which we have thought about for you. Material and shape of your new balance board are definitely right. But the look is also important. Because with the right style, the vibes are right and that in turn means that you can do the tricks even more casually. So we thought, why not make a balance board DIY for you? You simply create your own balance board - with tips and tricks from us. Just check out our wahu Balance Board Free Spirit DIY and get inspired by our instructions. Put your personality on your balance board.... go for it! Or aren't so keen on DIY? No biggie either. We've got balance boards in a variety of cool designs, so you can start boarding right away. In shimmering sea blue, rich black or with a pattern - just choose your favorite look among our wahu balance boards. And by the way: For our wahu balance board there is also a practical wall mount. So you can use your balance board not only for training, but also as a stylish decoration in your four walls. Do you have any questions about balance board training or buying a balance board? Then give us a call, send us an email or chat with us. Together we will find the ideal balance board for you. In addition, we will gladly provide you with lots of tips and tricks for an optimal balance board training plan. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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